Go Negosyo and PUM Netherlands proudly presented the 36 mentor-graduates of the Mentoring The Mentors in the Tourism Industry program last May 3, 2021, via Zoom.
The mentors had to go through 10 Inbound Tourism Restart modules focused in 6 weeks, headed by PUM Senior Tourism Expert Emilie Hagedoorn. Hagedoorn also shared other thoughts and tips in Tourism Restart.
Go Negosyo MSME Development Senior Adviser opened the program by welcoming all guests and thanking PUM Netherlands through Maria, Emilie, and Dante for having a timely intervention to Philippine Tourism and,of course, to all the mentors for making it to graduation. Moreover, Engr. Cruz then turned over the ‘Tourism Restart Philippines Concept Note’ to the Office of Ambassador of The Netherlands to the Philippines and Philippine Department of Tourism (DOT) for the continuation of the program.
We were also lucky to have two special guests to congratulate the graduate mentors and grace the event–Ambassador Saskia de Lang and DOT USec. Roberto Alabado III.
Ambassador of The Netherlands to the Philippines, Saskia de Lang, emphasized the importance of restarting and sustaining responsible tourism, agriculture, and waste management. With the program, Ambassador de Lang also assured the mentor-graduates that this will have a long-lasting impact on reviving the business, on promoting the local tourism industry, and on economic growth.
Then, DOT USec. Alabado III discussed ways on how our mentors can relate or continue what they have learned to continuously apply it not just to their mentees but to their community. Be smarter entrepreneurs despite the crisis.
On behalf of all the mentors, four mentors shared their experiences, knowledge gain, and gratitude to their Mentor Emilie for teaching and guiding towards tourism restart, PUM Netherlands, and Go Negosyo.
Lastly, Philippine Country Coordinator of PUM Netherlands Maria de Guia closed the program by extending its warm gratitude to its partner organization, Go Negosyo, for having a program like MTM and that both organizations have a common mission on sharing knowledge to help, develop and strengthen our Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises.
The program was hosted by Ms. Joby Linsangan-Moreno, Owner of Orange Blush Salons and Go Negosyo Mentor.
Mabuhay our dear mentor-graduates!
MTMTourism #PilipinasAngatLahat #PUM